
I have prepared this website in response to requests for information on my background, and questions regarding my latest research.
I hope you will find it useful and informative. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.


~ knowledge development, innovation and strategy of knowledge intensive companies ~

~strategic knowledge development and innovation within knowledge intensive organizations~
~strategic leadership in knowledge intensive organizations~
~complex social systems~
~organizational behavior~

*complex social systems*
~ Founder of the FASS: functional autopoietic social systems and the theory of the FASS-code
(the DNA of an organization) ~

*strategic culture development in organizations*

~possibilities and impossibilities of mergers from the FASS perspective~


My latest research
deals with the problem facing today's B2B commerce. Companies with no R&D but highly educated (creative) professionals who acknowledge the need to innovate rapidly. In practice it appears to be difficult to pursue development and innovation.


Competitive advantage by:
-strategic knowledge development
-strategic innovation

Explore new insights that will give you the cutting-edge perspective on strategic management and organization. Enable your company to respond to the rapidly changing environment now and in the future

Newly developed strategic views based on scientific research and experiences from practice. 
Through advice and coaching I can help you get a grasp on the vast amount of information that can bring you closer to your goal.


The results of
this study are three powerful paradigm shifts.

For detailed information please view the free copy of my latest book here.

You can learn more about the effects of this research at:


© 2012 rudy snippe
site by: Joanna